Green Prototypes
rare · neutral · construct · unit · Prior Feb 13th, 2019Open in wiki
Green Prototypesconstruct
On death, give 1 strength to a random bordering enemy unit

Level 11
Green PrototypesconstructOn death, give 2 strength to a random bordering enemy unit

Level 21
Green PrototypesconstructOn death, give 3 strength to a random bordering enemy unit

Level 31
Green PrototypesconstructOn death, give 4 strength to a random bordering enemy unit

Level 41
Green PrototypesconstructOn death, give 5 strength to a random bordering enemy unit

Level 51
Official changes
- Ability made to vitalize the enemy unit.
- Preview this changeAbility made surrounding.
- (currently displayed)Deactivate this changeStrength and ability decreased by 1 and ability made to scale with level.
- Preview this changeReleased with the game.
Community feed
- HappySkull has made some art about this card.
+ Toggle artwork display
- Stratadox has written a playstyle guide about this card called Green Prototypes.
In this guide, Stratadox expands on why Green Prototypes is the most versatile card in the game, listing many situations in which this card makes the difference.
- LizzyRoo has made some art about this card.
+ Toggle artwork display
- Overkill99 has made some art about this card.
+ Toggle artwork display