In-depth Guides
4 guides

At the start of your turn, give 5 strength to another friendly unit or structure

Written by Subaiku
Tempo & Value
In this guide about gameplay, Subaiku goes through the notions of “tempo” and “value” and how mastering them is key to performing at high levels.

Before attacking a weaker unit, add a 10 strength copy of that card to your deck

Written by Kitty
Stormbound Trivia
In this short write-up, Kitty goes through all the little more or less well-known pieces of knowledge about the Stormbound universe.

Destroy a target friendly unit. Deal 6 damage to surrounding units and poison them

About Triggers
In this in-depth guide, Kitty and Derk dive deep into the trigger effects and attempt to demystify their resolution order.

Gain 13 mana and give 6 strength to the weakest friendly unit

Written by Kitty
Mana Curve Analysis
In this in-depth guide supported by a lot of data visualisation, Kitty explains how to analyse the mana curve of a deck, and how to potentially fix it.
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