Update 05-2022
By Kitty · Official · 05/2022Back to releases
Hello Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming early May bringing balance changes, 3 new cards and some exclusive offers!
While I have your attention, please remember the pandemic is not over, even if you have been vaccinated and got a booster shot. You can still carry the disease and make people sick.
So wear a mask and avoid unnecessary travels—especially if you live in an area with rampant COVID-19 cases. It takes everyone’s effort to slow down this pandemic. Do the right thing. 🙏
Balance changes
This release, just like any other, will bring some balance changes.
- Demotivating Strike now costs 3 mana (down from 4) and its ability deals 2/3/4/5/6 (down from 3/4/5/6/7).
- Underground Spring’s ability now grants 1/1-2/2/2-3/3 (up from 1/1-2/1-2/2/2).
- Blessed with Brawn now costs 5 mana (down from 6) and its ability grants 6/8/10/12/15 (down from 8/10/12/15/18).
- Emerald Towers’ ability now grants 2/2/3/4/5 (up from 2/2/3/3/4).
- Broodmother Qordia’s strength is now 4/5/6/7/9 (down from 5/6/7/8/10) and her dragonlings’ strength is 2/3/4/5/6 (down from 3/4/5/6/7).
As usual, some compensation in the form of coins and fusion stones will be provided to owners of Broodmother Qordia, proportional to the level and rarity of the card. Find below the compensation values for each rarity and level.
Legendary card:
1 fusion stone at level 1,
20 coins and
5 fusion stones at level 2,
50 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 3,
150 coins and
20 fusion stones at level 4,
300 coins and
50 fusion stones at level 5.
New cards
Three new Epic Ancients will join the Neutral pack during the month of May.

Before moving, vitalize itself then give 1 strength to weaker friendly units

Before moving, vitalize itself then give 2 strength to weaker friendly units

Before moving, vitalize itself then give 2 strength to weaker friendly units

Before moving, vitalize itself then give 3 strength to weaker friendly units

Before moving, vitalize itself then give 3 strength to weaker friendly units

Before moving, deal 1 damage for each friendly unit to a single random bordering enemy unit. If that unit dies, move towards its tile instead

Before moving, deal 1 damage for each friendly unit to a single random bordering enemy unit. If that unit dies, move towards its tile instead

Before moving, deal 1 damage for each friendly unit to a single random bordering enemy unit. If that unit dies, move towards its tile instead

Before moving, deal 2 damage for each friendly unit to a single random bordering enemy unit. If that unit dies, move towards its tile instead

Before moving, deal 2 damage for each friendly unit to a single random bordering enemy unit. If that unit dies, move towards its tile instead

Before moving, steal all status effects from all friendly units and gain 1 strength for each unique status effect received

Before moving, steal all status effects from all friendly units and gain 2 strength for each unique status effect received

Before moving, steal all status effects from all friendly units and gain 2 strength for each unique status effect received

Before moving, steal all status effects from all friendly units and gain 3 strength for each unique status effect received

Before moving, steal all status effects from all friendly units and gain 3 strength for each unique status effect received

As usual, there will be $9.99 exclusive packs for every new card to get 3 copies as well as 750 coins and
5 fusion stones.
New Brawls
Similar to what we did in the last months, we will introduce 3 new Brawl modifiers for the 3 new cards. We think it’s a good way for you to be able to try, play with and enjoy newly added cards before you start collecting them.
Like last time, a 0-mana level 1 (unless owned and leveled) copy of the new card will be added to everyone’s deck (thus causing all decks to have 13 cards).
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the May 19th will be for Big Sisters of Growth.
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the May 26th will be for Agile Warriors.
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the June 2nd will be for Timber Alchemists.
- When is the update going to be released?
The balance changes will be deployed with the season reset as usual. The 3 cards will be introduced on May 15th, May 22nd and May 29th respectively.
- How do Timber Alchemists work?
The status effects Timber Alchemists steal are vitalized, poisoned, confused, frozen and silenced. Note that they steal statuses in regular order (top-to-bottom, left-to-right), which matters when stealing both vitality and poison.