Update 06-2022
By Kitty · Official · 06/2022Back to releases
Hello Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming early June, bringing balance tweaks, 3 new cards, exclusive offers and some info about the new login system!
Balance Changes
This release, just like any other, will bring some balance changes.
- Rain of Frogs now costs 3 mana (up from 2).
- Boomstick Officers’ ability now deals 5/6/7/8/10 (up from 4/5/6/7/8).
- Goldgrubbers now replace 2 non-Pirate cards at level 4 and 5 (up from 1).
- Northsea Dog’s ability now grant 6/7/8/10/12 (up from 5/6/7/8/10).
- Call for Aid now spawns units with 4/5/6/7/8 strength (up from 3/4/5/6/7).
As usual, some compensation in the form of coins and fusion stones will be provided to owners of Rain of Frogs, proportional to the level and rarity of the card. Find below the compensation values for each rarity and level.
Epic card:
15 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 2,
40 coins and
5 fusion stones at level 3,
120 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 4,
250 coins and
20 fusion stones at level 5.
New cards
Three new neutral spells will be introduced, two of them common, one rare.

Trigger the ability of a friendly non‑legendary unit with up to 3 strength, then destroy that unit

Trigger the ability of a friendly non‑legendary unit with up to 4 strength, then destroy that unit

Trigger the ability of a friendly non‑legendary unit with up to 5 strength, then destroy that unit

Trigger the ability of a friendly non‑legendary unit with up to 6 strength, then destroy that unit

Trigger the ability of a friendly non‑legendary unit with up to 7 strength, then destroy that unit

Deal 1 damage to non‑temple structures, then spread the amount received among surrounding enemy units and structures

Deal 2 damage to non‑temple structures, then spread the amount received among surrounding enemy units and structures

Deal 3 damage to non‑temple structures, then spread the amount received among surrounding enemy units and structures

Deal 4 damage to non‑temple structures, then spread the amount received among surrounding enemy units and structures

Deal 5 damage to non‑temple structures, then spread the amount received among surrounding enemy units and structures

Destroy a target friendly Ancient unit and play a random level 1 non‑Ancient unit on the same tile

Destroy a target friendly Ancient unit and play a random level 2 non‑Ancient unit on the same tile

Destroy a target friendly Ancient unit and play a random level 3 non‑Ancient unit on the same tile

Destroy a target friendly Ancient unit and play a random level 4 non‑Ancient unit on the same tile

Destroy a target friendly Ancient unit and play a random level 5 non‑Ancient unit on the same tile

As usual, there will be $9.99 exclusive packs for every new card to get 3 copies as well as 750 coins and
5 fusion stones.
New Brawls
Similar to what we did in the last months, we will introduce 3 new Brawl modifiers for the 3 new cards. We think it’s a good way for you to be able to try, play with and enjoy newly added cards before you start collecting them.
Like last time, a 0-mana level 1 (unless owned and leveled) copy of the new card will be added to everyone’s deck (thus causing all decks to have 13 cards).
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the June 16th will be for Final Sacrifice.
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the June 23rd will be for Quakefall of the Skies.
- The Warrior Brawl starting on the June 30th will be for Stream of Consciousness.
New login
A bit of an update about the new login system. First things first: it’s not exactly ready, but it’s almost there. Our team has put a massive amount of effort into it lately and we’re making some good progress. It really is a technical milestone that might as well dwarf the complexity of the Draft mode. But I digress.
The new login system will let players create or move their current account (which uses Kongregate under the hood) to Google Play or Apple Game Center. This ensures their progress doesn’t get lost, and is more consistent with players’ experience on their usual operating system.
To move the account, one can:
- Log in with Kongregate, then follow the dedicated process in the options popup to create a new account with the current progress.
- Create a new account, then follow the dedicated process in the options popup to merge both accounts. This will overwrite all the data from the new account with the one from the Kongregate account.
About usernames:
- When moving the account to the new system, players will be able to change their username (provided it remains unique). Doing so will free the old nickname for other players to use.
- Existing usernames will be preemptively reserved on the new system so that people can transfer their account without having to rename.
- Furthermore, players will be able to update their username more conveniently using the new accounts.
To encourage everyone to move to the new platform, we will be rewarding players with in-game resources once the transfer has been successfully done.
- When is the update going to be released?
The balance changes will be deployed with the season reset as usual. The 3 cards will be introduced on June 12th, June 19th and June 26th respectively. The new login does not have a specific release date yet but we hope to wrap it up soon.
- How does Stream of Consciousness work?
First of all, Stream of Consciousness spawns a random non-Ancient unit from the game, not from your hand or your deck. That means you could get anything from Lawless Herd to Chillbeards—this is a gamble. The spawn is not limited to your faction either, so you could unlock some interesting combos.
We crunched the numbers: the average mana value in the game for non-Ancient units is 4.56. Playing Stream of Consciousness means spending 3 mana, losing a friendly unit (which should have at least 1 or 2 mana worth of value left), so on paper this is balanced at the mana cost.