SWCC Season 2
By TaKo_G · 40 weeksBack to SWCC
40 weeks

Energize a target friendly unit with 3 or less strength to move again

By Яandomly Drawn Card in May 2021
Energizing Brew — Energize a target friendly unit with 3 or less strength to move again

Always starts in your hand. Mark two random tiles in each row. Visit them all to transform this into 3 unburied treasures

If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 2 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

By Dewalian in May 2021
Cheap Cheap
Sneakbaiters — If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 2 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

While this is alive, gain 1 strength for each card you draw

By Яandomly Drawn Card in April 2021
Greedy Hoarders — While this is alive, gain 1 strength for each card you draw

Turn a target unit with 4 or less strength into a gold. Gold units become friendly structures

By Яandomly Drawn Card in April 2021
Midas' Touch — Turn a target unit with 4 or less strength into a gold. Gold units become friendly structures

On play, destroy 2 surrounding friendly units, and next they are drawn, set their cost to 0

By Яandomly Drawn Card in April 2021
Sacrifice Swarm
Occult Cultists — On play, destroy 2 surrounding friendly units, and next they are drawn, set their cost to 0

On play, fly to the first open tile. If combined with a friendly unit, fly it to the first open tile and deal 2 damage to it

After attacking, fly off the board until the beginning of your next turn. When returning, select a tile to return to and destroy anything occupying the tile

Give 3 strength to all units with no other units of the same unit type and deal 3 damage to all other units

By Giraudy in March 2021
Deck restrictions
Populous Decimator — Give 3 strength to all units with no other units of the same unit type and deal 3 damage to all other units

After surviving damage, replace a random non‑Pirate card from your hand. If it's a Pirate card play it on a tile in its row.

By Sewerrat in February 2021
Neutral Race Elders
ol' cap'n Sea Rat — After surviving damage, replace a random non‑Pirate card from your hand. If it's a Pirate card play it on a tile in its row.

If the only bordering friendly unit type is construct, gain 2 strength, if it is rodent gain 2 speed

By Giraudy in February 2021
Faction Felines II
Brassheart Leopards — If the only bordering friendly unit type is construct, gain 2 strength, if it is rodent gain 2 speed

On play, increase the level of all cards in your hand to level 2

By Яandomly Drawn Card in February 2021
Programming Nightmare
Amaghi The Unknown — On play, increase the level of all cards in your hand to level 2

Before moving pull the first enemy unit in front.

By Mirceaboss in January 2021
Faction Knights
Dismantling guards — Before moving pull the first enemy unit in front.

At the start of your turn, all friendlies that deal below 3 damage with abilities deal 2 extra damage

By Яandomly Drawn Card in January 2021
Ancient Structures
Temple of Ruin — At the start of your turn, all friendlies that deal below 3 damage with abilities deal 2 extra damage

On play, add a 6 mana copy of the last spell played to your hand

By Equinox in January 2021
Sideline Enchanters — On play, add a 6 mana copy of the last spell played to your hand

On play, if your base has 5 health or less, deal 1 damage to all enemy units bordering your base.

By Athena in January 2021
Missing Piece
Throne Defender — On play, if your base has 5 health or less, deal 1 damage to all enemy units bordering your base.

On death, deal 2 damage to both bases

When played bordering a friendly dragon, deal 3 damage to enemy units, starting with the strongest.

By DukeOfJuke in December 2020
Power Creep
Wandering Wyrms+ — When played bordering a friendly dragon, deal 3 damage to enemy units, starting with the strongest.

At the end of its first turn on board, gains 1 strength for each other friendly unit on board

By Lyt in November 2020
End of Turn
Debt Collector — At the end of its first turn on board, gains 1 strength for each other friendly unit on board

After attacking, draw a card.

When drawn, freeze 2 random enemy units

By MooreFunn in November 2020
In-hand effects
Frost Leviathan — When drawn, freeze 2 random enemy units

On play, push a random bordering unit away. After that, randomly poison, freeze or deal 1 damage to all surrounding enemies from the pushed unit

By Athena in October 2020
Weapon Collector — On play, push a random bordering unit away. After that, randomly poison, freeze or deal 1 damage to all surrounding enemies from the pushed unit

On play, randomly cast a spell from your deck that costs 4 or less

By MooreFunn in October 2020
Spell Focus
Thistlerobe Acolyte — On play, randomly cast a spell from your deck that costs 4 or less

Board effect At start of each turn, deal 1 damage to already poisonned units and poison units with 2 strength or less

By Jerahus in October 2020
Environmental & board effects
Toxic swamp — Board effect At start of each turn, deal 1 damage to already poisonned units and poison units with 2 strength or less

On play, deal 3 damage to a random enemy unit or structure for each faction cards in hand

By Ajmm in September 2020
Dainty Savy — On play, deal 3 damage to a random enemy unit or structure for each faction cards in hand

On play, destroy all bordering friendly units, then gain speed for each destroyed

By Ajmm in August 2020
Faction Felines
Grievious bobcat — On play, destroy all bordering friendly units, then gain speed for each destroyed

At the start of your turn, give all surrounding units 1 speed

By Player_Null_Name in August 2020
Aggressive Structures
Quickslash Outpost — At the start of your turn, give all surrounding units 1 speed

On death, do a random effect 3 times: give 2 strength to a random ally, confuse a random enemy or deal 3 damage to a confused enemy.

Hunt a unit with 5 strength or less. It will be prioritized by attacking units. Draw 1 card.

By FrozenEarth in August 2020
Catch A Trail — Hunt a unit with 5 strength or less. It will be prioritized by attacking units. Draw 1 card.