By Equinox · Sep 12th, 2021Back to season 3

Target a tile. For 2 turns, friendly allies played on this tile gain 2 strength. If used on the same tile, make the effect permanent

Target a tile. For 3 turns, friendly allies played on this tile gain 2 strength. If used on the same tile, make the effect permanent

Target a tile. For 3 turns, friendly allies played on this tile gain 3 strength. If used on the same tile, make the effect permanent

Target a tile. For 4 turns, friendly allies played on this tile gain 3 strength. If used on the same tile, make the effect permanent

Target a tile. For 4 turns, friendly allies played on this tile gain 4 strength. If used on the same tile, make the effect permanent

This card was created by Equinox for week 2 of season 3 of the Stormbound Weekly Card Contest. The theme was Elemental, and this was the winning card for that week.